Briefing Series: The US Election

Wednesday 25 September @ 1600hrs BST (London) / 1100hrs EDT (New York)

Wednesday 2 October @ 1600hrs BST (London) / 1100hrs EDT (New York)*

Wednesday 16 October @ 1600hrs BST (London) / 1100hrs EDT (New York)

Wednesday 30 October @ 1600hrs BST (London) / 1100hrs EDT (New York)

Our Americas desk will be delivering bi-weekly briefings covering the latest updates in the 2024 US Elections. Our analysts will present the most recent political developments, provide tactical updates on activism and extremism, and give an overview of the various influence operations at play. Now entering the most intense swing of the campaign season, our team will keep you updated on the changing political and social landscape within the US up to Election Day on 5 November.

*2 October Special Briefing
One month out from the 2024 US Elections, the North America desk will host a webinar providing a complete overview of the policy and security risks stemming from the election’s outcome. Our team of experts will take you through the desk’s Strategic Risk Forecast - a comprehensive brief that outlines the most likely and most dangerous scenarios for the election. This will include the strategic and tactical-level risks present during the pre-election phase, on Election Day and how the political landscape will look post-election. This briefing will prepare clients for the outcome of the election, which is set to determine the direction of the US' competition with China, its foreign policy stance toward Ukraine and key domestic issues such as immigration policy.

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