UPDATE: With effect from Monday 1 August, we will adjust the schedule for our continuing Ukraine reporting and live briefings. Weekend developments of major significance will continue to be covered by our out of hours teams.
We will be holding two live briefings on Monday and Thursday at 1600 BST, discussing the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, focusing on the latest developments on the ground along with an update on the strategic trajectory of the situation.
This week we are holding briefings at 1600 BST Monday and Thursday, discussing the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, focusing on the latest developments on the ground along with an update on the strategic trajectory of the situation.
If you have a question that you would like our team to answer during the briefing please email info@sibylline.co.uk, alternatively, you can submit your question during the briefing using the Q&A feature found at the bottom of your screen.
Register via the link below. Please note that this is a reoccurring webinar and the same link will be used each day. Once registered you will have access to all the briefings.