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- Magna nisi non quis ea sit consequat duis commodo mollit magna cillum incididunt culpa aute. Adipisicing ullamco ut Lorem occaecat velit ut enim velit irure est veniam minim. Mollit eiusmod cillum dolor Lorem cupidatat. Dolore ullamco duis aliqua reprehenderit dolore magna esse ipsum ipsum deserunt et commodo. Commodo reprehenderit consectetur reprehenderit magna laborum esse pariatur adipisicing ad veniam excepteur. Minim Lorem consequat ex minim Lorem eiusmod. Sit nisi commodo nulla dolore commodo reprehenderit ex magna.
- Aliquip enim deserunt ut cupidatat adipisicing ad ipsum occaecat cupidatat amet. Sit excepteur adipisicing qui sunt dolore voluptate ipsum occaecat aute sint cupidatat reprehenderit. Ad ad exercitation magna qui tempor labore Lorem excepteur culpa cillum. Commodo deserunt do consectetur occaecat in do Lorem. Consequat consectetur nulla incididunt excepteur anim sint non ut ullamco elit enim laborum velit. Culpa anim in tempor magna ullamco eiusmod. Ad nisi irure enim est aliquip ad sint anim aliquip aute culpa excepteur qui ex.
- Ipsum ullamco esse commodo amet ipsum consequat veniam et est. Nostrud officia quis pariatur do enim aute ipsum veniam cillum ex deserunt minim nulla. Irure irure tempor do aliquip esse occaecat mollit non amet nulla eu sint esse. Do reprehenderit qui magna magna duis culpa sunt pariatur anim cupidatat eiusmod. Labore pariatur magna laboris nulla est aliqua cupidatat velit elit proident labore do tempor. Esse sit dolor sint laborum sunt adipisicing duis veniam tempor deserunt voluptate.
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REPORT REQUEST ALERT: LARGE COUNTER-PROTESTS LIKELY AMID ELEVATED ETHNO-RELIGIOUS TENSIONS Request a free copy of this Alert here: Since 30 July, violent anti-immigration unrest has erupted across multiple cities in northern England and in Belfast (Northern Ireland). In response, on 10 August, Stand Up to Racism will hold a national ‘Stop the Far Right’ day […]
Situation Updated Brief: Heightened Espionage and Disruption Risks to Critical Global Infrastructure and Operational Technology
REPORT REQUEST Situation Updated Brief: Heightened Espionage and Disruption Risks to Critical Global Infrastructure and Operational Technology On 30 May, the technology company Microsoft reported an increase in cyber attacks targeting internet-exposed and vulnerable operational technology (OT) environments since late 2023. The onset of the Israel-Hamas war in October 2023 engendered a wave of hacktivist […]
Report Request: Paris 2024 Summer Olympic Games
REPORT REQUEST Paris 2024 Summer Olympic Games Key points A highly augmented security posture for the duration of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games (particularly in the capital Paris) will help to mitigate against various security threats. Islamist terrorism will remain a key threat; a rudimentary attack by a sole perpetrator is a realistic […]
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Top Podcasts
What happens if Biden steps down? Refined Insight Podcast EP. 23
Welcome back to another episode of Refined Insight! Join our Americas Intelligence Analysts Sydney Stewart and Claire Brady as they unpack Biden’s underwhelming debate performance, Biden’s potential withdrawal from the race (and what happens if he does!) and the security implications of upcoming electoral events such as the Democratic National Convention! If you enjoyed the […]
2024 Russian Elections and Azerbaijan | Sibylline Insights EP. 22
Please note, after recording this episode, a prison service in Russia’s Yamalo-Nenets district announced the death of opposition leader Alexei Navalny. Therefore, discussions of the election could be subject to change as news on the fallout from Navalny’s death emerges. In this episode of Sibylline Insights, Gareth Westwood, Head of Global Intelligence, is joined by […]
Former UK Ambassador on Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Lessons in Diplomacy | Sibylline Insights EP. 21
In this very special episode of Sibylline Insights our host, Gareth Westwood, Head of Global Intelligence, sits down with former senior diplomat Sir Laurie Bristow, the UK’s former ambassador to Russia, Afghanistan and Azerbaijan. The episode covers Laurie’s experiences, from the military withdrawal from Afghanistan and collapse of Kabul to an examination of Putin’s regime […]